Cat Call
- interactive signage
- data visualization
- first data discussions are beginning (only early stages)
- beginning search for financial partners
above photograph by Niv Singer/Unsplash
Inspired by a conversation with a Penn State University climate scientist, CATCALL will use image recognition software to compile data and create the ability to respond directly to an image with information regarding things affecting climate change. For example, if we wanted to make a statement about packaging waste, we would use a packaging recognizer that shows people the amount of garbage consumers are contributing to by making purchases at Starbucks or another major retail outlet who still has not remedied their issues with single use packaging. By educating people we could create a stronger urgency on local levels for people to pay attention and do more to reduce packaging waste in their area.
Ultimately, I would love to have the responses on the digital billboards be written by famous comedians in order to give them a bigger audience reach beyond just the initial experience.
Additionally, as you will see below, the augmented reality marker and the AR street installations can give us true volume images of what the amount of waste being referenced looks like.
I would love to talk about this project further to discuss funding and expansion possibilities. Please reach out to me at: rat@refitordie.com
below photographs by Teagan Methorst/Unsplash, Patrick Robert Doyle/Unsplash, & Teagan Methorst/Unsplash respectively.

The Augmented Reality Element
The QR code and the AR marker in the end of the signs message creates an augmented reality event where the viewer can actually
see the amount of garbage that is passing through this block in real time and in real scale/volume.