Nike AI Training (For The Consumer) - Pitch
in development now
above photograph by Hermes Rivera/unsplash
There’s a lot of motion capture and data analytics that can help a professional athlete improve their game but nothing available to the average consumer. Because of greater accessibility of technology and data, we can begin the process of exploring and then designing The World of Nike AI Reality Precision Training for every athlete from little league to the pros. A world that through Augmented and Mixed Reality can make even a novice feel they are walking into Olympic training facilities and getting the attention currently only afforded to the pros.
STAGE 1: Focus on running. We develop a simple pair of Nike AI Trainer shoes with multiple sensors built into the shell and sole in order to gather several points of data regarding an athlete’s actual weight distribution and impact when running. This information would be relayed through a phone app connected to a database where it will match the Nike AI Trainer Shoe data with an optimized humanoid performance data model. Initial feedback for the consumer could be a recommendation of the Nike shoe that would be the perfect fit for their needs or AI could customize a shoe for them specifically. The ultimate goal, however, would be to connect the user’s data to this optimized full size augmented reality humanoid athletic performance model that could be sent back to the athlete with overlays of their own performance. This model could clearly map even small adjustments that could improve the user’s performance just like pros do. This data would be in the form of an actual full-sized augmented reality humanoid form observable through the smartphone app as well as Microsoft HoloLens and future AR/MR lenses that Apple, Oculus and Google are all working on.
STAGE 2: Expand development beyond the feet to the whole body. This would include sensor bands for the head, elbows, wrists, waist and knees along with the expansion of the data-base into growing numbers of sports.
The thoughtful design of these full-size humanoid abstracts would create a Nike AI Training World for all athletes that could become as familiar and comfortable as their own physical gyms, fields, tracks, or pools. This virtual world could become an integral part of many gym chains offering even more careful data models through sensors built into gym facilities.
Now we all can JUST DO IT better!