The Lab
- new design experimentation lab modeled as the 21st century Bauhaus
THE LAB uses the arts to connect to minority and underserved communities to help them refine and raise their voices and then connect and train them on the tools of 4th wave technology. This will ensure not only their presence, but necessity at the table where we will redesign whatever it takes to assure human existence on earth 1000 years from today.
THE LAB will primarily be the exploration of how a Virtual Reality Studio space will be of use in the future of remote work and designing solutions to the world problems. The virtual studio will be at the center of our exploration although THE LAB will also grow into two brick and mortar spaces, one in Philadelphia and one in Pittsburgh. Both labs will inhabit space in underserved communities and be very visible and accessible by the young people there. Both Labs will also exist in the virtual world where we can fully work and interact with University Park (Penn State’s Main Campus) as well as each other. These virtual labs should look like something out of science fiction- Facilities that are not even possible in the physical world. Their purpose is to spark such strong inspiration (We are talking about grand, exciting and powerful inspiration.) that it overrides the negative neighborhood influence that too often makes it clear that the kids’ options are severely limited. These labs will be vibrant “re-learning” facilities for every person involved. We will rethink everything like the Bauhaus did between 1919 & 1933; including the best way to teach the arts with new technology while at the same time coaching important voices such as the ones in the “defund the police” movement. We can teach these kids new communication skills and if we are going to save our nation, we have to. Eventually more Labs would open at all our branch campuses and partner with local companies interested in growing with technology in return for supporting and working with the students. The Labs would keep the arts at the very center of all the work and will use design to bridge the gap between the creative and industry. Design is the connective tissue that can cause real action and real problem-solving. Though the tools and mediums have changed, I look back at The Bauhaus as a potential model of progressive and influential experimentation.
We have a distinct moment in human history where we need all voices at the table in order to move forward in a more inclusive and positive way. We need to transform our habitual behaviors, culture, consumer economies –the entire way we currently operate to ensure that every race, gender, sexual identity, economic class is represented at the table. If they are not, we are likely to create another unsustainable path forward. With these provocative projects I will use the arts to inspire others – a tsunami of artists and creatives of all disciplines to get involved. We need a tsunami of artists and creatives of all disciplines to getting involved. As mainstream media outlets seem to divide us further, I can scarcely think of anything but the arts that can stir curiosity, generate inspiration and move us forward to start the dialog we all need to have... And NOW!
The Virtual Studio Space Station.
The virtual space will explore both Antigravity uses as well as
Gravity space uses and how to explore, determine and create new best uses for Virtual Reality in designing solutions to the worlds problems..

Interior of Ring & Gravity section of The Lab. The pink block represents the size of a human being inside the full sized VR lab.

Inside the central core of The Lab. The central core is where the docking space is for deliveries and visitors. it is also the space for the gardens and grow labs.
The base structure of THE LAB was born from ongoing work with Pennsylvania State University as the most natural way to manefest the desired diversity, relevance and state-wide engagement of the College of Arts & Architecture to Pennsylvania’s significantly underserved communities. Setting up these experimental labs in Pennsylvania’s two largest cities also builds better alliances with several industries that have been looking for the right employees with both tech skills and the creative problem solving abilities of an artist.
THE LAB will focus on design, creating solutions that center around or are birthed from the arts. We then secure funding or industries to execute these artistic solutions to show how effective the arts can be to mend the world. It will also create a new type of educated student, one who sees the world through an artistic lens; and inspires other educational institutions, artistic venues and even more young people.
THE LAB will take global problems (like the list at the bottom of the above chart) and process them through professors and experts in the various fields. This information/research will then filter up into THE LAB where we use the arts at the center to not only create solutions but also inspire and train creative problem solving artists to go out into industries all over the world stimulating the new creative solutions.